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ricky bobby

Aug 24, 2011
Tallahassee, Fl
Maybe I missed something. I don't see the thread as an effort to "tar and feather" the teacher involved but as an indictment of the school district administration in recruiting and hiring personnel. Since so many people demand proof it was necessary to identify the teacher. I've seen documentation that the district has been hiring substandard teachers for some time. Certain professions require minimum standards. We obviously don't demand very high standards for the people who run the school system.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
Easy solution, vote out the top next election. That would be the superintendent and the school board.

j p nettles

Jul 1, 2012
It's obvious that some would love to sweep this under the rug and let the queen and the court jestors get on with business as usual.

Margie Anne

Beach Crab
Sep 27, 2013
Santa Rosa Beach
I just became aware of the "bad" teacher information yesterday, and agree with all those who say this teacher needs to be removed immediately, as well as a thorough investigation into the Superintendent Carleen Anderson and her staff regarding the hiring of this teacher, and their knowledge of her criminal record. I worked in education in a 2 district consortium position for more than 20 years, and supervised many employees. I was responsible to request criminal background checks on each employee, regardless of their position. Anyone with a recent "felony" charge and previous criminal background such as this teacher would not be hired, and would be recommended to the State Department of Education to have their teaching license revoked. This is not "tar and feathered", this is being responsible citizens who care for our children.

j p nettles

Jul 1, 2012
I wonder if parents and citizens would even know about this had it not appeared on "social media"? And for those who admonish those who are outraged by this with accusations of "electronic tarring and feathering", I for one am not blaming the young woman. Heck, if I had committed the offenses and I could find a bunch of clowns stupid enough to hire me, I'd go for it!


Beach Lover
Jun 24, 2012
I understand that Mrs. Anderson has announced that the teacher at South Walton his resigned and the matter is settled. I guess we'll never know who she blames.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 1, 2011
I understand that Mrs. Anderson has announced that the teacher at South Walton his resigned and the matter is settled. I guess we'll never know who she blames.

Talk about trying to sweep under the rug!! The superintendent should still explain the decision to hire the person in the first place. I often choose to not hire an applicant based upon references from former employers, not just reviewing eligibility for employment.

ricky bobby

Aug 24, 2011
Tallahassee, Fl
Someone mentioned that principals hire the teachers. I also understand that we have a Human Resources director. It seems to me that the HR director should review all applications and find the most qualified candidates before principals unilaterally hires a teacher. Walton county seems to hire the least experienced, least qualified people. I also feel that the board members should also review the applications. They are getting paid for serving on the board. They need to earn their keep. Sorry, but this whole incident doesn't pass the smell test. Somebody outside the inner circle needs to investigate this and the entire recruiting and hiring process. I would even go so far as to have an audit of the school district conducted by an independent auditor with no connections to state government agencies. From what I can see the Florida DOE is about as useless as the UN.
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