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Dec 15, 2011
BeachRunner wrote:
I am a college professor so I'm not the one you should ask about how the public school system here is run.

Wow! You had plenty to tell the Citizens of Walton County about what they could/should do (like it or leave it) yet, you have no clue how the public school system is run in your own backyard?

Now you've got my attention.....not!
I made a comment about what I'd do as a parent if I were unhappy with the local school system, whether it be in Walton County or in my county in GA. I'd either get involved and work for change or move my child elsewhere. I did the latter. I know many people who have done the same. Typically they move to a county close by and commute to their jobs here.

I'm outta here. I don't deserve to be insulted.

Leader of the Banned

Beach Fanatic
Apr 23, 2013
The misinterpretation of my post is amazing! I asked a question regarding election or hiring of a school superintendent and someone considers me a right wing nut because I stated the obvious. That is that most educators are left leaning. It was so when I got my Master's Degree in 1980 and it is so today. Some of you need to realize there are valid differences of opinion on a myriad of subjects and just because someone expresses them openly and sincerely it does not mean he/she is incapable of logical thought or is led by the nose by a political party.

Why don't you just admit that you stuck your foot in your mouth, apologize, and move on?

j p nettles

Jul 1, 2012
The misinterpretation of my post is amazing! I asked a question regarding election or hiring of a school superintendent and someone considers me a right wing nut because I stated the obvious. That is that most educators are left leaning. It was so when I got my Master's Degree in 1980 and it is so today. Some of you need to realize there are valid differences of opinion on a myriad of subjects and just because someone expresses them openly and sincerely it does not mean he/she is incapable of logical thought or is led by the nose by a political party.

It isn't PC to insult liberal intellectuals. It is OK to insult those who have differing views from the self anointed elite. Of course I'm a real dummy so my views can be dismissed and ignored. I'm just an old southern redneck libertarian with a lowly BS degree.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
As reported on WZEP AM 1460:

During the Walton School Board’s public comment time Mary Nelson said she became very concerned with the South Walton High School teacher who was on probation. She asked if there is a breakdown in taking applications and looking at background material. Nelson said the teacher was arrested in December of 2012 and then hired months later. She asked the Board what information they are given and asked if they knew what was in the file. Nelson said there needs to be more emphasis for math and science. The teacher, who resigned last Friday, taught math.

The Board then considered contracted hires. Board member Sharon Roberts said, in light of the situation at South Walton High School, in the past it was assumed the Superintendent brought qualified candidates. She told Anderson she is no longer sure she can have faith in that occurring. Member Dennis Wallace said a big don’t he was taught by the state is the Board not getting involved in day to day personnel matters. He said he does not want to take one incident that he thinks did slip through the cracks and start looking at every hire. Chair Mark Davis asked staff if the the person passed the checks. The answer was yes. Superintendent Anderson said every name given has been checked and she has confidence in the HR staff.

After the discussion on hiring checks, the Board approved the contracts for coaching positions. Davis commented on making sure the right person is hired to coach. He talked about the need for people who will also be mentors to the students. They also approved names on the personnel recommendations. One item was a resignation of Britni Bowman and a waiver of the 30 day notification. She was hired under a contract. Bowman is the teacher on probation for drug issues that was hired for South Walton High math.

During her comment time, Sharon Roberts asked the attorney to bring back a policy to fully background check hires. She will work with him on that. Member Dennis Wallace explained that he is not shirking his duty, but people need to understand that it is not the Board’s role to work in the day to day process. He said he can not get involved in the day to day personnel decisions. Wallace said, if it is brought to the Board, then they will take action. Roberts said the matter was brought to the Board and the person was not a regular personnel hire, rather a contract hire.

Gail Smith said she understands the differences between contracted labor and regular employment. She asked if they should have a workshop in reviewing the protocols. Smith said they could look into if there needs to be changes or if this was just a quirk. Davis agreed a workshop would be a good idea. Attorney Ben Holley said he has had questions on the contracted employees.

Anderson said she represents and manages about 1200 employees. She said they hire multiple new employees every year and they do look for qualifications. Anderson said they missed one piece of information on one employee over 9 years. She said this is still critical because it deals with student’s safety. Anderson said when Bowman was hired, she met all the requirements. She said the person was not posted on the Professional Practices review website. Anderson said it was discovered when her staff called Professional Practices and found Bowman was under review. Anderson said the teacher met and still meets the requirements for employment. She said staff does an excellent job and she supports their efforts. Anderson said she also agrees with holding the workshop.

Roberts said this was not something overlooked or not handled improperly. She said this was marked on the application and the information was not brought to the Board when they made the decision. Anderson said, if Roberts was not aware of it, then she was neither.

The workshop will be November 5th. If a policy is established, there will also need to be the process to approve it. The Board scheduled a workshop on October 15 on Healthcare Reform.

Leader of the Banned

Beach Fanatic
Apr 23, 2013
It isn't PC to insult liberal intellectuals. It is OK to insult those who have differing views from the self anointed elite. Of course I'm a real dummy so my views can be dismissed and ignored. I'm just an old southern redneck libertarian with a lowly BS degree.

I've lurked this board and I know that BR is not left-leaning and I believe she is Republican. I don't know about PC, but it certainly is rude for someone like Andy to arrogantly set his mouth in motion based on gut instinct since he's been on this board long enough to know who is who. He didn't even know she's a college professor. Where the hell has he been?


Beach Fanatic
May 15, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
I think every person who is hired to work with our kids or in our schools should have a full and complete background check done.

No exceptions, no excuses.


Dec 15, 2011
kurt wrote:
Anderson said the teacher met and still meets the requirements for employment.

I guess that means the school district needs to raise the bar on their requirements.

If she still meets all the requirements why accept her resignation? Scared of pubic outrage Ms Anderson? You should be tarred and feathered along with your requirements.

If the attorney has questions, what are they and why wait until now to ask them?


Dec 15, 2011
Leader wrote:
I don't know about PC, but it certainly is rude for someone like Andy to arrogantly set his mouth in motion based on gut instinct since he's been on this board long enough to know who is who. He didn't even know she's a college professor. Where the hell has he been?

Andy does have a patent on rude and arrogant but in his defense I don't know anyone here personally or what they do for a living or their political views. BR's comment was very telling though and it wasn't hard to figure out she was a republican even though she voted for Obama. I stopped reading this board because there is way to much censorship and political correctness for my taste and blanket endorsements of government just doesn't sit well.

I also think if kurt wanted to really weigh in on this topic he could have picked a far better news source than WZEP. In fairness though, WZEP is one of the few medias who actually attends school board meetings and regularly reports the lack of participation by parents unless, the poop has hit the proverbial fan.


Dec 15, 2011
I think every person who is hired to work with our kids or in our schools should have a full and complete background check done.

No exceptions, no excuses.

That should be STOP.
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