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Beach Fanatic
May 15, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
I almost got run over saturday because a driver was distracted by the panhandlers. It is a safety hazard and snarls traffic at an already problematic intersection.

Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
While some sound charities/causes benefit from shaking their boots and buckets, it really needs to stop. Too many people just don't know where they are going, are distracted by their kids whining about leaving or in hysterics about arriving and then start fishing around for their change to pitch in. I witnessed a near miss at 395/30-A Saturday. On the best day during the busy season people seem to forget the principles and practice of negotiating a four way stop sign intersection-adding kids throwing softballs around, handsome firemen and bedazzled cancer survivors into the mix is absurd. If we are serious about keeping people safe in SOWAL, it should start on the highway.

Absolutely true and really needed here. It never ceases to amaze me that people can't pull up to a four way stop, note the number of cars there and then proceed when it is their turn. Those able to count to four should be able to figure it out.

Beach Bimmer

Beach Fanatic
May 2, 2006
South Walton
While some sound charities/causes benefit from shaking their boots and buckets, it really needs to stop. If we are serious about keeping people safe in SOWAL, it should start on the highway.

Wish the Walton County Commissioners would consider:

  • Ban soliciting on 30-A altogether due to the danger it adds to the traffic situation
  • Or revise the ordinance to grant permits only during what are non-busy dates
  • Or at a minimum, require groups that have already been granted permits for 2013 to stay on the side of the road and accept donations from there. No more standing in the road, please.

We love our local charities, but don't love you standing in the road distracting traffic.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 14, 2008

Officials OK roadside solicitation/activity policy


In response to recent complaints about roadside solicitation and “panhandling” in Walton County, county commissioners have approved a set of policies for nonprofit organizations wanting to hold fundraising drives or other events along the county right-of-way.

At the Walton County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) May 24 regular meeting in DeFuniak Springs Gerry Demers, acting county administrator, presented the comissioners with a document setting forth permitting policies for these activities. Demers said the document put in writing policies that Walton County Administration had been following for several years.

A permit from county administration is required in order for nonprofit organizations to use the county right-of-way for fundraising or events. These may include marches, parades, races, festivals, bucket drives, or any activity that may affect traffic or require assistance by law enforcement. Use of the right-of-way is not allowed for organizations, businesses or individuals other than nonprofits.

State roadways are a separate issue, and the state Department of Transportation must approve any use of the state right-of-way for events or fund raising.

Nonprofits are encouraged to contact county administration as soon as possible when planning roadway activities or fund raisers to discuss their plans, in order to avoid a conflict with activities planned by other organizations. They are required to apply for a roadside activity permit as soon as possible, and not less than 30 days before the activity is to take place.

There is a limit of two permits per year per organization.

Nonprofits must demonstrate that the activity or event “has a charitable benefit for the citizens of Walton County.”

Bucket drive fundraisers will not be permitted during holidays.

Activity organizers are required to coordinate with all local government agencies that may be impacted by the activity, including but not limited to the Walton County Sheriff’s Office, Walton County Code Enforcement, and fire officials.

Volunteers and other individuals participating in the roadside activities are required to wear safety vests and follow safety practices. They must be instructed not to block private driveways or other entrances to private property.

Signs for the activity may go up two days in advance and must be removed within two days afterward. Sign size is limited to 18 inches by 24 inches, and signs must be put up with wire stakes.

The document states, “When conducting bucket drive fundraising, all participants must be on the county right-of-way. Participants may approach a vehicle to collect contributions, but must not hold up traffic.”

An additional requirement is that a copy of the approved permit for the activity must be kept on location at all times.

Applications for nonprofits to use the county right-of-way are available on the Walton County Web site, www.co.walton.fl.us.

The commissioners approved the document by unanimous vote. Later, in response to public comment, they agreed to consider at a later date allowing nonprofits to do fund raisers more often than twice a year, once they have gauged how the adopted policy is working.

It clearly states that the collection activity must take place on the right-of-way but every one I have seen the collectors are also in the roadway. They are only allowed on the roadway to approach the vehicle to collect the donation and must not interfere with traffic.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 11, 2005
South Walton
I've always just put up with the panhandling at intersections as a total annoyance, but after today, I think it should be illegal. There is a team panhandling today at the corner of 30A and 393 in front of the Ed Walline beach access. It's a summer weekend and as we will see every summer weekend, it is busy. Very busy. We no longer need a holiday for 30A intersections to be busy. As I was approaching the intersection from the East, the cars had to pull over to let a fire truck go by. The cars were very backed up due to it being busy, the fire truck and a guy trying to pull into 30A from the right of way towing a boat. Not an unusual situation these days. As I get closer to the intersection I see a man and a child, a very small child, of about 6 or 7, in the middle of 30A panhandling for some Sowal team. I almost roll down my window to ask the man if he is an idiot or what, but refrain. I then look to the right and see on 393 a bunch of people of all ages in various places in the road. I cross through the intersection and see more adults and more small kids in the middle of 30A on the other side of the intersection. I am trying to drive safely and avoid the beach goers, other cars, boats pulling out into 30A, and kids in the middle of the road when I hear a siren again. An ambulance is coming down 393 and making a left onto 30A east. Who in their right mind would stand in the middle of the road amidst all this chaos and let their little kids stand in the middle of the road with them? The parents should be ashamed of themselves. Crazy. It should be illegal. These intersections are just too busy at all times with distracted drivers and pedestrians and it only takes a second for a kid or an adult to take a wrong step. Yes, I did call the sheriff's office. Apparently I'm not the only one to do so. I'm told they have a permit. Do they have a permit that allows a little girl to stand in the middle of traffic?


Beach Lover
May 24, 2011
Firemen at 393 and 30A, is one thing but these kids, it is dangerous. I was very uncomfortable driving past them today. Respect they need funds to go to the next level. They need to set up and offer free car washes, donations accepted, in a safe place. Today was not cool, 7 year old standing in the middle of the street!? Adults on the side walk? Not good.

j p nettles

Jul 1, 2012
Rather than direct your outrage at fundraising by organizations that actually do good, why not try redirecting it toward some of the folks who hold the puppet strings of some of our elected public servants. And look up the word "bribe" in a plain old dictionary, not a shyster dictionary.

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
I've always just put up with the panhandling at intersections as a total annoyance, but after today, I think it should be illegal. There is a team panhandling today at the corner of 30A and 393 in front of the Ed Walline beach access. It's a summer weekend and as we will see every summer weekend, it is busy. Very busy. We no longer need a holiday for 30A intersections to be busy. As I was approaching the intersection from the East, the cars had to pull over to let a fire truck go by. The cars were very backed up due to it being busy, the fire truck and a guy trying to pull into 30A from the right of way towing a boat. Not an unusual situation these days. As I get closer to the intersection I see a man and a child, a very small child, of about 6 or 7, in the middle of 30A panhandling for some Sowal team. I almost roll down my window to ask the man if he is an idiot or what, but refrain. I then look to the right and see on 393 a bunch of people of all ages in various places in the road. I cross through the intersection and see more adults and more small kids in the middle of 30A on the other side of the intersection. I am trying to drive safely and avoid the beach goers, other cars, boats pulling out into 30A, and kids in the middle of the road when I hear a siren again. An ambulance is coming down 393 and making a left onto 30A east. Who in their right mind would stand in the middle of the road amidst all this chaos and let their little kids stand in the middle of the road with them? The parents should be ashamed of themselves. Crazy. It should be illegal. These intersections are just too busy at all times with distracted drivers and pedestrians and it only takes a second for a kid or an adult to take a wrong step. Yes, I did call the sheriff's office. Apparently I'm not the only one to do so. I'm told they have a permit. Do they have a permit that allows a little girl to stand in the middle of traffic?

There was a group at 395/30-A about that time yesterday as well. Little kid stationed in the middle of the street in front of 'The V' being pimped out while an adult male was on the west side, also in the road. His sign said, I think, 'help us get to the international championship'. International? So in addition to the apparently staggering number of 'national championships' there also exists an international circuit?! Sorry, nobody needs to be begging for money to go to Mexico or wherever the 'international' tournaments may be held. I wish these deadbeat parents would pay for their own kids, and if they can't, suck it up and work an extra job or don't sign their kids up for such expensive stuff.

And don't kid yourself, they are probably not from SOWAL, but more likely NorWal or SomewhereKaloosa. All you have to do is ask them from where they are from as you roll by. Only rarely will you get a straight answer. Why the county does not recognize this as the liability issue that it is is beyond me.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
As reported by WZEP AM 1460:

Commissioners were told this past weekend there were people trying to collect money on the roadsides and intersections in southern Walton. Commissioner Comander agreed, saying this is dangerous and can’t continue. She also noted the people were from Okaloosa and should only be from Walton. There is a permitting process and one resident was told those collecting said they had a permit. Staff agreed they likely did not have a permit. Comander called it a huge problem. Commissioner Meadows called it dangerous. She said, if they do not have a permit, then one of the agencies should be able to go out and stop them. Calling it an emergency due to the danger, the commissioners agreed to not issue any more permits until after Labor Day.
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