BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
As I was looking at more of the pictures you referred to, I found
This house is the one you see in the far background of the one you referred to. It appears to be standing perfectly straight. Bottom line, a properly designed home CAN withstand undermining even at this low elevation.
I just hope that "we are not put through the test".
sitting here on the boat (on the tmobile data card and it is working great with 3 bars! - left at 1 am - "got ready couldn't wait any longer screw it lets go" - and had a waffle instead of an omelet
), positioned behind the island in the 'snake', just waiting for the fish to come by, looking at the beautiful canal and bayside, it almost seems like you folks are talking about something on another planet
when we put the boat in this morning, and all the way down here, nature has healed itself except for a fallen tree or so that is still visible
the only things that haven't healed over are the human piles of crap that still show the entropy that comes from age and time
It is so beautiful down here, why would you want to ruin it in the first place by building a blooming house on it - I vote the feds make the whole coast (everything south of the southernmost main road) a greenway-type park then raze, landscape and replant - it would be so beautiful, but i guess its too late, the brown sand is already there, and in a year or two the beach will be more than likely be gone or littered so badly with debris that you can't even see what's left of it
It just makes me so sad - enough of this crap, I say all the private TDC's should sue the county for letting people build gulfwise of the main road in the first place, make it a greenway and boot 'em all out for 10 cents on the dollar
"Bottom line, a properly designed home CAN withstand undermining even at this low elevation."
wait a minute! ez, is that you? your 'annyoance factor' is rising beyong mine! (didn't think that was possible)
I'm turning this thing off before I throw it in the water
mmmmm....salty water
tiny little waves lapping the side of the boat
the other half snoring very quietly below
a perfect mai-tai with fresh pineapple
a fine day even if it does rain
I just don't care anymore
screw your retaining wall, it isn't even a seawall in the first placeprobably backfilled it with brown sand and broken septic tanks