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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Vetta, if you had the slightest clue about Walton County and south Walton in particular, you would know that there is no city gov't in south Walton, so whatever city ordinances you find will be for Defuniak Springs and Freeport, but I guess that will be just fine for your seawall expertise. I cannot wait to see the comments regarding the rest of your post, if anyone even acknowledges it at all. I would think that an expert selling his product would be a bit more informed about the market in which he tries to sell it. ;-)


SoWal Insider
Vetta, are you for real? :scratch:

From the DEP's website:

Can I build a new seawall?

Property owners and local governments may not construct structures or armoring that did not exist before the emergency without the necessary permits, including new seawalls. A DEP Administrative permit is needed for new, reconstructed or repaired bulkheads, seawalls, revetments or other rigid coastal armoring.

Is armoring allowed under emergency conditions?

Under emergency conditions, local governments may authorize temporary armoring to immediately protect public and private infrastructure like homes, utilities and roads if those structures are threatened. In order to consider the armoring permanent, the property owner must submit a complete CCCL permit application to the Department within 60 days of installing the armoring. Otherwise, the property owner must remove the temporary armoring structure.

What would make you think you would not need a permit for constructing a seawall? And all of SoWal falls under the county jurisdiction anyway, as there are no city limits or "city codes."


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Cork On the Ocean said:
I'm a little afraid to jump into this lion's den :shock: but there are sensitive people in this world which are good people but feel compelled to respond when they've been attacked. The board is a great place for "healthy" intellectual intercourse but on the big scoreboard - only kindness matters.

I personally wouldn't take pride in dishing out more tonguelashing, I would take pride in dishing out more kindness and understanding.


Kindness and UNDERSTANDING (in a perfect world) is also a 2 way street. :D


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005

I simply asked you "Do you believe in the "freedom of the press"? Just a yes or no will suffice.

To your credit, you did answer the question correctly assuming we're all red-blooded Americans.

You then started quoting case law. Again just a "yes or no" would have sufficed as I hoped you would provide.

Now let's see......

You, ecopal, told everyone reading this thread that....
It is really shocking that BMBvagrant's crude and rude behavior is tolerated on this website.

And I really thought I was doing a good job of sticking to the debate as of late, rather than personal attacks. I thought I was growing up in front of everyone's eyes by drastically reducing personal attacks. I'm still trying very hard as I've said before.

We all hide behind our keyboards in this message board internet world.

I find it ABSOLUTELY REDICULOUS (and just plain nutty) that you suggest (by quoting case law) that my posts should not be allowed on this website. Why else would you be giving all of us a lesson in case law regarding freedom of speech?

By calling you any names, or "provoke an average listener to retaliation", or "causing a breach of peace", or "lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or "fighting" words--those which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace" or .... or ..... or ..... doesn't seem to make any "real" difference since most of us are supposedly anonymous (OR ARE WE?).

Do people know who you are? Is that why you seem to take more offense from my posts than one who is completely anonymous? Are you afraid for your reputation as seen by those who might know who you are? We live in a small town... I understand that.

If YOUR post regarding my posts being tolerated on this website wasn't so rediculous, I'd be consulting my attorney right now because you certainly are intimidating me. :rotfl:

I assume from your tremendous grasp of the exact meaning of "freedom of the press" (or speech) that maybe you are either a lawyer or a journalist
(but definitely not an engineer).

By me calling you a lawyer or journalist, I hope you don't try to sue me for such libelous accusations. :rotfl: MORE IMPORTANTLY, I hope Kurt and company doesn't cut me off. But I think they're more open minded than that.

You have a lot of nerve suggesting to Kurt and others that you cannot believe that my behavior is tolerated on this website. I really can't fathom that you really mean that. I do like that !! (the "nerve" part only).

If this post were continue on and on and on and on for 100 more pages, you probably would deserve all of it in return for making such an idiotic statement. No matter what side of the fence you're on, I think everyone sees through your vain attempt to control this thread with such an UNDEFENSIBLE idea as you have presented.

I can sleep at night.

ecopal, I gave you credit where credit was due. You finally (after several exchanges) admitted to me that maybe I had no choice with my retaining wall and so on. I think maybe, just maybe, there is a glimmer of logical light intertwining itself with the keys on your keyboard. Watchout! :D We might start seeing eye to eye.

Let's see if you (we) can stretch that just a little further...

ecopal, do you believe there may be others like me in my situation regarding whether or not we had any choice with installing a retaining wall or am I just a unique situation on this entire beach?

Talking about lawyers and journalism...

You never did respond to my CONCERNS regarding the post you made with the picture showing the water lapping against the base of a sand dune several days ago. Kurt tried to "defuse" the situation a little, but YOU have still managed to dodge the issue of that post. I call that "misleading" journalism. Defend yourself if you think I'm off-base regarding the single picture and associated description. At least acknowledge my concern. Don't throw "it" out and walk away.

It is painfully obvious to me that you have created a division between me and many of my good neighbors and yourself and whatever cause you represent.

One poster succintcly put it... my wall is already in. To clarify, I'm not looking for any permission from you or anyone else on this message board regarding my wall.

All I have tried to do on this thread is to counter the relentless claims you and others have made regarding all the negative aspects that you see with retaining walls... that effectively all the current issues are the fault of JUST Gulf Front property owners.

ecopal, why do you continue to drive a wedge between all GF owners and everyone else? I saw this from the beginning. Maybe I saw a lot of your posts as "fighting words".

Don't worry, I won't quote case law or discuss this with an attorney. :D



Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Smiling JOe said:
So what does this case have to do with you two, both whom are definitely outside the boundaries of an "Average Listener?" :dunno:

Back to seawalls please. If you guys keep this up, I am going to rent a wrestling ring, and sell tickets to a no-holds-barred match between you two. All proceeds to be donated to further research on a solution to save the homes and the beaches of SoWal. :D

First paragraph... funny. :lol: ... I can laugh at myself.

Second paragraph... What's my (incidental) take? :rotfl:
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