My heart goes out not only to the boy on the bike, but to the driver of the truck as well. I got there on the way home in the line of traffic about 5 pm; took the detour the deputies had set up around Cassine Garden; and saw the driver of the truck sitting on the tailgate of the truck with his head in his hands. I know it was devastating to him as well. He was in uniform, on the job, driving a fairly large delivery truck, so I don't suspect driving under the influence, lack of familiarity with the road, or any of the other factors that usually attribute the accident to the driver of the vehicle. I don't know the facts since I wasn't there, but suspect that the bicyclist somehow got out into the road before he could react. Somehow, we have got to get a grip on shared usage of this road that we all love or endure. I respectfully submit that a little personal or parental responsibility goes a long way, with age and riding or driving experience taken into some serious consideration.