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SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
I fully support having a forensic audit, but for a different reason- to find out what went wrong and how to avoid it from now on. In other words, to fix the problems and move forward. Honestly, I could care less about establishing blame anymore- I am really over thinking about the actual participants, and looking backwards just eats up time and energy we need to look forward and make positive and necessary changes. I just want this school system to be operated in the best way possible. Do the forensic audit and let's get this show on the road!


Dec 15, 2011
Repeat post from another thread...

Ya know...the school system didn't get in the shape its in today overnight. It has been years, years and years of apathy and "good ole boy" politics on the part of Walton County taxpayers (WCTA included) that has gotten it to this point. Looking at the candidates on the Supervisor of Elections site...I personally don't see much changing.

In District 2 you have the incumbent Faye Leddon (who actively participated in the current conundrum) and Kim Kirby the EX City manager for Defuniak Springs. Obviously she is the EX City Manager for a reason...politics included and from the looks of her bio, has no real experience dealing with issues facing the EDUCATION system in Walton County.

In District 3 you have Bill Eddins (State Attorney General's son) who is actively involved in Charter Schools (in particular Walton Academy) which is a HUGE DRAIN on the taxpayers of Walton County and another incumbent, Sharon Roberts that actively participated in the current conundrum.

In District 5 you have Darrell Barnhill yet another has been, former, School Board member and Jason Catalano who actually *appears* to be a viable alternative to the "good ole boy" (Barnhill) whose only claim to fame is as a licensed, certified, Flood Plain Manager.

Again, I'm going to reiterate I am NOT opposed to a hired Superintendent...BUT if the hired Superintendent is going to do the bidding of the elected School Board members, this is a dizzy-aster headed for more calamity!!

If Walton County wants to see real change we have to do far better than this.

And for all the yahoos who will suggest "why don't you run?", I'll admit I don't have the experience and/or education but I've damn sure seen the track records of the "has been's" and incumbents currently running. If, we've learned nothing from the mistakes of the past, HISTORY 101 has taught us we are DOOMED to repeat them!! We gotta do better than this.


A vote for Bill Eddins is a vote to secure more money for Charter Schools which is NOT the answer to public education!
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SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
So Misty, what would you suggest as a better option to change and improve the system, keeping in mind that change has to start somewhere?


Dec 15, 2011
jdarg, You are the one who helped get this agenda on the ballot, why aren't you running? I personally think you have allot of great ideas and suggestions!! You seem well informed and you seem to want real change. You also seem to have all the qualifications I assuredly lack.

A new broom sweeps clean!!

I thought my post was very "suggestive". No more incumbents and no more "has been's".


Dec 15, 2011
P.S. I'd vote for you jdarg! :)


Beach Lover
Jun 19, 2010
Blue Mountain Beach, Florida
Misty stated:
In District 5 you have Darrell Barnhill yet another has been, former, School Board member and Jason Catalano who actually *appears* to be a viable alternative to the "good ole boy" (Barnhill) whose only claim to fame is as a licensed, certified, Flood Plain Manager.

Jason Catalano was Cecilia Jones' administrative assistant when she was County Commissioner.


Dec 15, 2011
Oh lord!!

I did not know that. I read his bio on the Supervisor of Elections web site and he seemed viable. Not so much now.

Cecilia is running again for a Commission seat. We can't move forward in this county until we have viable people running for government. Has been and incumbents are not and have not worked for US in the past and won't work in the future.
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Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
Anyone know who or what is the Walton County Small Business PAC? They have signs up opposing the School Board Referendum


Beach Comber
Aug 13, 2012
Seagrove Beach
I talked to Bill Eddins via tele this week, and this is not what was relayed to me. He has the best interest of Walton County residents and in particularly the students in mind. He has vision and drive to lead this county. So, rather than hearing it from me please call Mr. Eddins, and leave a message if you don't get him on the line. He will return your call expeditiously.
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