John R said:
beachvagrant, what started out as you defending your position quite clearly, has digressed to meanspirited, petty, rhetoric. like your detractors, you are now just spewing the same stuff, repeatedly. and, it seems, throwing in attacks whenever you can. the high horse seems to be getting taller. maybe time to back away from the keyboard for a while?
A voice on my shoulder tells me that I should not continue with my reply. I know I know, everyone is whincing....well.......
Bite ME!!!! Get it??? :rofl:
There's another "attack" I threw in when I could !! :funn:
You used my response to Katie Blue to jump in with your post above.
So here's KatieBlu's post for everyone to see since you didn't include it...
Originally Posted by katie blue:
<edited out because I just need to bite my lip instead...>"
Just a little humor. At least it's funny to me. I can sometimes be self serving.
My "high horse" wants to know....
What's your problem? I thought we were starting to have a decent dialogue here as people got to know me. If you can't contribute anything constructive to this thread, stay the hell off!!
Now it's time for a sprinkle of "mean-spirited" facts...
I won't kiss anybody's rear end who spouts bull**** (sorry, no other word comes to mind) such as you have done above. You deserve this response.
Top it with a "petty" observation...
It's people like you that obligated me to come to the defense of me and my neghbor's character and actions in the first place.
You, my friend, could have simply left it alone and the creme would have risen. But you seem to be threatened that perhaps, just perhaps, logical discussion might prevail here. So you take another REALLY CHEAP shot.
"psssst..." (voice from my shoulder)
"What now?" I say.
"Ok I'll tell John R." I say.
I was told that you took SEVERAL CHEAP SHOTS, not just one REALLY CHEAP SHOT and that you missed by a country mile with all of them.
Oh yea.....
I'm not really that mean of person as to say the following to my "detractors"....
"like your detractors, you are now just spewing the same stuff, repeatedly. and, it seems, throwing in attacks whenever you can. the high horse seems to be getting taller."...
you're obviously talking about yourself, "The Master Detractor". Kind of rhymes doesn't it? I try to give all detractors a chance to base their post on reason, not emotion.
I am guilty of at least one major flaw....
I won't take any bull**** from simple simons like you. You didn't just step in the "crossfire", you went out there and waved a red flag and started screaming, "shoot me, shoot me!"
Just for the record, John R,
was there ANYTHING constructive in your well thought out post that I might have missed?
By the way, change that under-aged little girl beer drinker icon link, PLEASE. That's what truly is getting old more so than the content of your post.
I'm going to feel real real bad if I find out from somebody that I just slammed a cute 16 year old kid.
My appologies to everyone else.
Night night.