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Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
Impacts of Seawalls

Impacts of Seawalls

copied from Surfrider site

1) Passive erosion -"Wherever a hard structure is built along a shoreline undergoing long-term net erosion, the shoreline will eventually migrate landward beyond the structure. The effect of this migration will be the gradual loss of beach in front of the seawall or revetment as the water deepens and the shoreface moves landward.... While private structures may be temporarily saved, the public beach is lost. This process of passive erosion appears to be a generally agreed upon result of fixing the position of the shoreline on an otherwise eroding stretch of coast, and is independent of the type of seawall constructed." It is evident that passive erosion will eventually destroy the recreational beach area unless this area is continually replenished. Excessive passive erosion may impact the beach profile such that shallow areas required to create breaking waves for surfing are lost (Seaside Reef).

2) Placement loss - Seawalls are placed on the beach. In many cases, construction of seawalls is on public property (beach). In Solana Beach for example most land for seawalls is leased free of charge to the property owners. This is a taking of extremely valuable public property.

3) Active Erosion - Refers to the interrelationship between wall and beach whereby due to wave reflection, storm surf zone narrowing and a thousand other processes the wall may actually increase the rate of loss of beach. This is site specific and dependent on sand input. There are varying opinions on if this effect actually exists. However, as watchdogs of the coast, until there is overwhelming evidence that this effect is not significant, many of us have opposed seawalls on this basis.

4) Public access impacts - these can be a result of passive erosion, placement loss or active erosion. Seawalls built on eroding beaches, will lead to the loss of access. Solana Beach and North County beaches are eroding.

5) Visual/aesthetic impacts - Seawalls are ugly and detract from simple pleasures as a walk on the beach.

6) Economic issues - local, state or federal subsidies or construction to protect private property, or insurance coverage. Construction is performed on State or Municipal land. The public has never been compensated for this loss of valuable property.

7) Loss of sand supplied by eroding bluffs that are armored. A minimal fee for this sand is collected from property owners for the sand that would provide beach material. Additionally, the eroded area would create a beach. We do not feel the public is sufficiently mitigated for the loss of sand and beach.

8) The most important thing to remember is that a seawall is never built to protect the beach. Rather, it is built to protect property, structures or a cliff from erosion.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Re: Study on affects of Seawalls

Thanks Dave for these pics and your other threads with the seawall and geotube info. Interesting stuff! Very interesting.


SoWal Insider
Re: Study on affects of Seawalls

Beach Runner said:
Dave, the article is shocking :eek: ! I just don't understand how our county and state can allow the building of seawalls when there are so many studies and so much evidence of the harm they do to the beach.

Thanks again for the great info.

Not to be too nosy BR (well OK a little) but don't you own gulf front? I've thought about you several times wondering whether you are far back enough and what kind of issues you have. It seems to me that all GF owners aren't in the same boat, and I'm wondering about your particular neck of the woods. Your house is newer right, so was it built far back? What about your neighbors?


FunnChef - AlisonCooks.com
Jan 11, 2006
St Petersburg
Re: Impacts of Seawalls

This is just my opinion, but I believe that seawalls will eventually be leveled by nature. In the case of the beach, coast or water front of this nature, natural forces (ie...winds, waves, storms and hurricanes) will batter the areas. No manmade structure can truly defend against nature. It will last as long as nature allows it to. I agree with George Carlin..one day the earth is going to sluff off mankind like a bad parasite...seawalls a necessary to the existence of mankind, not of nature.
I also enjoyed aquaticbiologys post in the other Seawall thread, regarding seawalls and the effects of people in general on the coast. It is a fact that humanity is going to flock to the beach, but what I find offensive is the complete lack of respect to the beach and their fellow man these people have!
Last edited by a moderator:

John R

needs to get out more
Dec 31, 2005
BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
A voice on my shoulder tells me that I should not continue with my reply. I know I know, everyone is whincing....well.......

Bite ME!!!! Get it??? :rofl:

There's another "attack" I threw in when I could !! :funn:

You used my response to Katie Blue to jump in with your post above.

So here's KatieBlu's post for everyone to see since you didn't include it...
Originally Posted by katie blue:
"<edited out because I just need to bite my lip instead...>"

Just a little humor. At least it's funny to me. I can sometimes be self serving.

sometimes? most of your posts of late seem to be self serving. your view is clear, you did your reasearch, you spent more money than we all make, the rest of us are simple...:yawn:

BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
My "high horse" wants to know....
What's your problem? I thought we were starting to have a decent dialogue here as people got to know me. If you can't contribute anything constructive to this thread, stay the hell off!!

my problem must be my emotions, which you pointed out early in this thread. there was decent dialog back then. sorry, are you the one making the rules around here? i seem to recall you admonishing shelly regarding 'the rules'

BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
Now it's time for a sprinkle of "mean-spirited" facts...
I won't kiss anybody's rear end who spouts bull**** (sorry, no other word comes to mind) such as you have done above. You deserve this response.

i'm sure in your mind all my posts are BS, so i'm not sure if you're referring to the sign or not. can't take a little humor?

BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
Top it with a "petty" observation...
It's people like you that obligated me to come to the defense of me and my neghbor's character and actions in the first place.

You, my friend, could have simply left it alone and the creme would have risen. But you seem to be threatened that perhaps, just perhaps, logical discussion might prevail here. So you take another REALLY CHEAP shot.

People like me? so, this is a discussion between the haves and the have nots? look around. in an earlier post i asked you to respond about your experiences, not those of all gulf front property owners, you must have missed that. Hot air also rises, do you live on the top floor? i do appreciate logical discussion and have enjoyed reading your and others fact based, educated posts, it's when you digress to attacks that gets to me.

BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
"psssst..." (voice from my shoulder)
"What now?" I say.
"Ok I'll tell John R." I say.

I was told that you took SEVERAL CHEAP SHOTS, not just one REALLY CHEAP SHOT and that you missed by a country mile with all of them.

you were told? my 'emotional' post were making other gulf front owners tingle a little? and we got you as their emissary? were you the first or the last choice?

BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
Oh yea.....
I'm not really that mean of person as to say the following to my "detractors"....
"like your detractors, you are now just spewing the same stuff, repeatedly. and, it seems, throwing in attacks whenever you can. the high horse seems to be getting taller."...you're obviously talking about yourself, "The Master Detractor". Kind of rhymes doesn't it? I try to give all detractors a chance to base their post on reason, not emotion.

that's me, full of emotion. i believe that you are mean. when the conversation isn't going your way, the schoolyard bully comes out and you resort to name calling, belittling, etc. just my observation, can't answer for any of your other detractors. flattering to be called the master though, i'm really not even trying. :lol:

BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
I am guilty of at least one major flaw....
I won't take any bull**** from simple simons like you. You didn't just step in the "crossfire", you went out there and waved a red flag and started screaming, "shoot me, shoot me!"

Just for the record, John R, was there ANYTHING constructive in your well thought out post that I might have missed?

reading some of your drivel filled posts has indeed had me screaming, "shoot me, now" but, they're like a trainwreck, one can't not watch, just to see how bad things are. i think you attacked everything as i expected, thank you.

BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
By the way, change that under-aged little girl beer drinker icon link, PLEASE. That's what truly is getting old more so than the content of your post.

you know, just yesterday i was thinking she had run her course, but now, knowing that you dislike her so much, i think she's going to hang for a while longer, or not. btw, that's my daughter in a stage play ;-)

BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
I'm going to feel real real bad if I find out from somebody that I just slammed a cute 16 year old kid. :D

My appologies to everyone else.

Night night.

i grabbed this from your buddy ecopal, it really fits.
ecopal said:
How one responds to criticism is a good test of character. It quickly unveiled yours.

your information is strong, your posts informative, but you fell victim to letting your very ugly emotions filter in. something you've been telling us all not to do. i truely hope you are not as angry as your screen persona has become.

good luck with your wall and house this season.


Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
kurt said:
NOTE to all as an FYI - John R knows how to quote and respond properly.
I have thought about trying to give instruction as to the how-to properly quote using html, but no one would be able to read my instructions because the HTML would kick in and over-ride the actual text.

katie blue

kt loo
Mar 11, 2005
in perpetual motion
For the record, BMBV, not that it matters, but what I "edited out" was basically just a request to refrain from calling people names when challenged in this forum, as that's just not a level of discourse we tend to operate on around here. ("Antagonistic dummies" was the last straw, and I just felt a need to defend the good people of this forum.)

I actually decided to delete that post, because ultimately, I decided it's your right to speak, react and define yourself as you choose, and it was actually none of my business to tell you otherwise. Yet you assume I was going to "cross" you. Too much, dude. Peace.


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005

I liked your banter much better when you were on Zoloft...please, for pete's sake...take a pill.
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